[Untitled] A hand-drawn map for publication. Includes Suez at the top and Yambo at the bottom. Emphasis on ports and coastal spaces with suggestion of hills and mountains.
Map designed to be folded.
Freedman's Bank Records, Jacob Carrington, 1867 A scan of the Freedman's Bank record of Jacob Carrington
Classified Ad 3 -- no Title "RELIABLE colored woman wants washing to take at home or go out by the day. Address M.A. 32 Warwick st., phone Roxbury6147-TL."
WWI draft card of William Franklyn LeRoy Carey
Death Certificate of Ellen Mabel Wallace, 1914. A scanned image of the death certificate of Ellen Mabel Wallace, age 1, in August 1914. The ink in several places is too light to read, but the child's name, cause of death, date, examiner's name, and mother's name are all fairly legible.
William Franklyn LeRoy Carey WWII Draft Card An image of the draft card of William Franklyn LeRoy Carey, age 21.
Category of Work, Total Sample Pie Chart Pie Chart showing distribution of work categories for "Black Women Working in Boston, 1920"
King Philip's War, 1675-1676 Map of King Philip's War created by local historian David S. Weed. Used with author's permission.
Death of Sassamon Engraving of the death of John Sassamon from W. Croome, comprising a full and minute account of all the massacres, battles, conflagrations, and other thrilling incidents of that tragic passage in American history. With an introduction; containing an account of the Indian tribes, their manners and customs. Boston : Horace Wentworth, 1851.
Glooskap Turning a Man Into a Cedar Tree, ca. 1884 Glooskap, the creator and teacher of the Wabanaki people, is shown turning a man into a cedar tree in an etched birchbark illustration for the book Algonquin Legends of New England or Myths and Folk Lore of the Micmac, Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot Tribes by Charles G. Leland (1884).
Tomah Joseph (1937-1914), a Passamaqoddy Indian, advised Leland on the legends in the book. Joseph's illustrations also inspired those Leland used in the book.
Glooskap Setting His Dogs on the Witches, ca. 1884 Glooskap, the creator of the Wabanaki people, taught them to respect and protect the world around them.
The illustration is part of the book Algonquin Legends of New England or Myths and Folk Lore of the Micmac, Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot Tribes by Charles G. Leland (1884).
Glooskap Killing His Brother, The Wolf, ca. 1884 An illustration etched on birchbark of a Wabanaki legend. Tomah Joseph (1837-1914) created the birchbark artwork that inspired this illustration for the book Algonquin Legends of New England or Myths and Folk Lore of the Micmac, Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot Tribes by Charles G. Leland (1884).
Glooskap (Gluskap, Gluskabe) is the creator of the Wabanaki people and teaches them to respect and use the world around them.
Female Impersonator Bares Chameleon Frolics Nipped as He Man In Robbery Transgender woman arrested for armed robbery
Gay Lady's Luring Drops to New Low, Gets One From Ten Transgender woman arrested for soliciting sex from passing motorists
Wild Stag Bags Drag Lads: Copenhagen Kids' Odd Birthday Party Features Sex Orgy Gay men arrested by the police at a midnight party
[Untitled] Rifle, Short, Magazine, Lee Enfield, .303 inch, Mk 3
[Untitled] Sentry of the Worcestershire Regiment looking through a loop-hole in a trench at Ovillers, August 1916.
[Untitled] Wounded men of the 1st Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers, being tended in a trench in the 29th Division's area near Beaumont Hamel on the morning of the initial assault, 1st July 1916.
[Untitled] A heavy shell bursting during the Battle of the Somme.
[Untitled] British troops bathing near Aveluy, 7 August 1916.
[Untitled] German troops in shell ruined Peronne, 1916.
[Untitled] Lone German soldier in shell ruined and deserted Peronne, 1916.
[Untitled] A French gunner of the 53rd Infantry Regiment (Tenth Army) with his Chauchat machine gun in the Somme area, 25 August 1916.
[Untitled] Battle of Albert. British soldiers with wounded German prisoners. La Boisselle, 3rd July 1916.