How to Use the Map

The Map above contains both descriptions and images of locations. Location descriptions may be viewed by clicking on one of the circles with numbers of your choice, if there are multiple descriptions near a location, and then the individual markers when they appear. Images may be viewed by selecting the orange dots.

The map may be navigated by left-clicking and dragging the screen. Another option is to use the arrows on the left side of the screen. You may zoom in and out by either using the + or - buttons in the top left corner of the map or using the scroll wheel on your mouse. The map may be placed in fullscreen by selecting the button on the left side that appears to be made of the four corners of a square. Escape fullscreen by clicking this button again. 

Searching and Filtering
In the top, right corner, there is a button for layers allowing you to select if you want descriptions, images, or both to appear on the map. Additionally, the magnifying glass on the left side allows you to search points by their present day names. (e.g. type in ‘Istanbul’ as opposed to ‘Constantinople’ even though the traveler may be describing Istanbul as that was what it was called when they were writing.) The years of the items that appear in the map may be filtered using the scroll bar below that map and dragging the endpoints to the desired beginning and end of the time period you wish to view.