
Spring 2022

The Great War: the Battle of the Somme, 1916

Ariel Donnelly completed her M.A in History at Boston College in May 2022. Ariel's comprehensive fields are Modern European History and Intellectual History. Before starting the Master's program, Ariel graduated from Colby-Sawyer College in 2020 with a B.A in History and Political Studies, and a minor in Mathematics. 

King Philip's War in Maine: A Reassessment

Kevin March is a PhD student in Colonial & Native American History at Boston College. His digital humanities project on the Wabanaki Confederacy’s experience in King Philip’s War (1675-1678). This website grew out of his current research project on the same topic. Before starting at Boston College, Kevin earned an M.A. in History from McGill University in December 2019 and also has a B.A. in History from Cornell University, graduating magna cum laude in May 2016. For more, see the project about page.

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