Notes for Documenti diplomatici concernenti gli affari di Egitto: Entry #18
Original title: Original Camera del Deputati - Part 1, pg. 1-38 18.jpeg

The Royal Agent and Consul General in Egypt to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Il R. Agente e Console Generale in Egitto al Ministro degli Affari Esteri)
Mr. Minister,
...As much as I can be certain of, Mr. Cave would have said to the Khedive that the English government, taking into consideration his request to have two employees for the Minister of finance, had found it useful, before appointing them, to send himself there to examine the financial conditions of the country, the evolution, the regularity of the administration, and report about it. It is well understood, he added without hesitation, that one of the two employees would come as minister of the finance. To such an unexpected declaration the Viceroy responded that he reserved his right to respond. I then found out that His Highness called General Stanton, agent and British consul general, and repeated to him that his Government had simply asked for two junior employees for the Minister of finance; that as a consequence he was determined to refuse an investigation, which Mr. Cave had intended to pursue regarding the situation and financial administration of the country, and to have therefore ordered the minister of finance to have no communication with Mr. Cave, who You will have to address directly, if You desire some information. May it please you, etc.
Signed: De Martino
Pages 1-2 of Book
The Royal Agent and Consul General in Egypt to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Il R. Agente e Console Generale in Egitto al Ministro degli Affari Esteri)
Mr. Minister,
Since Mr. Cave had ceased his demands, the Khedive, convinced by the assurances of General Stanton, has consented to give him personally to Mr. Cave, and of his own free will, all of the clarifications that he could want so as to make a correct judgement of the position and of the financial administration. Therefore, he supplied to him detailed reports of the income and expenses, the resources of the country, the agriculture and commerce, public works, the State’s debt, the conditions of the population, etc. Mr. Cave will be able to draft a tiny report; but the effect that it will produce on the British financiers will be problematic. Mr. De Lesseps has arrived and continues the negotiations for the transfer of 15% of the net product of the income of the canal. However, the Khedive does not want to sell his right anymore and would only intend to give it as a guarantee. One also speaks of a very important operation with Societe Generale from Paris that would offer to rent the railways and the monopoly of tobacco for 30 years. May it please you, etc.
Signed: De Martino