Documenti diplomatici concernenti gli affari di Egitto: Entry #21
Original title: Original Camera del Deputati - Part 1, pg. 1-38 21.jpeg

have a preconceived preference and that he will grant it to whoever gives him the best conditions, has proposed to the two groups to make him a partial loan of 2 million pounds sterling for each one, for 3 months, while the big operation is studied and negotiated. With the first agreeing in due time, the other would be reimbursed the 2 million. Mr. Pastré, as much as Mr. Outrey says, would have declared in response that he would give the 2 million, and he would work hard even now to accept the offers that the English will be able to make, provided that as of now it was agreed that he would grant him the preference. On the movements of the Elliot group the greatest secrecy is held. If the Viceroy wanted to establish a real competition, it is not possible that he accept the request of Mr. Pastré. The guarantee that the two groups request for the loan, which will be 16 million pounds sterling, would not consist only of the exercise of the railways, but also of the port of Alexandria, the Suez docks and the telegraphs. If Mr. Elliot will actually offer the 7%, it is the general opinion here that to these conditions it will be impossible to issue the loan on the plazas of Europe, and that in this case it would be evident that the English government keeps you close. The proposal to fuse these two groups, excluding any other advantage, would clarify every doubt; but this proposal would not have the probability of success if the isolated initiative must start from here, while it could have good results if it arrives as simultaneous advice of the unbiased powers. May it please you, etc.
Signed: De Martino
The Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Minister of the King in Paris (Il Ministro degli Affari Esteri al Ministro del Re a Parigi)
Mr. Minister,
The Marquis of Noailles read to me a message from his government, related to the mission that Mr. Outrey accomplishes now in Egypt. His Excellency Duke Decazes has appointed this French delegate to tell me that Mr. Outrey was sent to Egypt to preside over the application of the judicial reform, but that at the same time he has the responsibility to speak with the Khedive and with his ministers in such a way of comforting them to keep themselves independent from exclusive influences that could turn out to be detrimental to the future of that country. Mr. Outrey had the occasion to meet with the royal agent, Commander De Martino, and with Senator Scialoja, who is now in Cairo. Realizing the conversations that were had, Mr. Outrey had informed Duke Decazes that he had found a consensus of ideas with his representatives, about which