Documenti diplomatici concernenti gli affari di Egitto: Entry #22
Original title: Original Camera del Deputati - Part 1, pg. 1-38 22.jpeg

this minister of foreign affairs is very pleased. But, both Mr. Scialoja and Mr. De Martino have expressed themselves in a way so as to imply that their words were not dictated by particular instructions from the royal government. Consequently Duke Decazes orders the Marquis of Noailles to obtain for him the safest information regarding the intention that now directs the Italian government in its policies in Egypt. I responded to the French representative that I was happy to give an assurance that, when the royal agent in Egypt and Mr. Scialoja had said to Mr. Outrey that also Italy takes an interest in the independence of the government of the Khedive from any exclusive influence, they had shown the opinion that the government of the King fully shares. We do not want to stop foreseeing which fate the events will bring to the various countries of the Levant. However, we can affirm that the present political conditions are difficult enough so as to advise the Egyptian government to prepare itself for the future possibilities, by perfecting its administration and above all by ordering its finances in such a way that does not run the risk of being overwhelmed in a general crisis. Then, I added that I was informed of the necessity in which the Egyptian government had to make a new credit transaction; that in Cairo there are two capitalist groups, one English, the other French; that the Khedive expressed himself in a way that would let it be known that the new operation would be given to the group that gave the most advantageous conditions. We certainly do not reject the importance that a new financial contract will have, for which it seems that Egypt will give the railways, the telegraphs and the main ports as a guarantee; but Italy, not having any financial interest from its citizens to support these deals, could not have expressed its view around these same negotiations without putting itself in a very delicate position. The most desirable party certainly would have been that the two financial groups, which are both present in Cairo, would understand to do the operation at hand together; but since the information that we have received so far would exclude the probability of a union on this basis, we do not believe that the Italian government can give a suggestion in this deal, or weigh in on one sense rather than in another. I would like that, in the next conversation with Duke Decazes, You would confirm these things with him which have already been said to me by the Marquis of Noailles. May it please you, etc.
Signed: Visconti-Venosta
The Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Royal Agent and Consul General in Egypt (Il Ministro degli Affari Esteri al R. Agente e Console Generale in Egitto)
Mr. Agent and Consul General,
I thank Your Lordship for the information transmitted to me about the offers that the Khedive receives from two financial groups, one French, the other English, for a credit transaction, as a guarantee of which Egypt would provide the railways, the telegraphs and its main ports. The project to fuse the two groups in one could be good if it were not for the inconvenience of probably neither group liking the new idea. If a fusion is suggested, one would most likely face a refusal from both groups,