Notes for Documenti diplomatici concernenti gli affari di Egitto: Entry #25
Original title: Original Camera del Deputati - Part 1, pg. 1-38 25.jpeg

The Minister of the King in Paris to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Il Ministro del Re a Parigi al Ministro degli Affari Esteri)
Mr. Minister,
Your Excellency, with a message from February 4th, gave me the instruction to verify with His Excellency Duke Decazes how much You had explained to the Marquis of Noailles in response to a message that he had sent to him regarding the mission entrusted by the French Government to Mr. Outrey in Egypt. Yesterday I had the honor of carrying out this instruction from Your Excellency, verbally informing Duke Decazes with a summary of the aforementioned ministerial message. His Excellency the French Minister of Foreign Affairs received this message with interest and tasked me with thanking Your Excellency. May it please you, etc.
Signed: Nigra
The Royal Officer of Affairs in London to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Il R. Incaricato d’Affari a Londra al Ministro degli Affari Esteri)
Mr. Minister,
The discussion about the purchase of the shares belonging to the Khedive in the enterprise of the Suez Canal began yesterday evening at the House of Commons; but, after a speech by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, was extended to next Monday, because of the combined effort of the principal speakers on the opposition. Sir Stafford Northcote began with the matter of the canal, and he praised Mr. Di Lesseps; he examined the financial position of the Company and declared the future of them to be insured, and he continued with the narration of the circumstances, which have altogether already grown, that led to the purchase of the operations. The reasons that he gave to defend the solution of the Cabinet were pulled away from those reasons that were put forward during the recent discussion for the guidelines in response to the conversation of the Throne: the canal to be a precious main path for the British trade; to be a route of the most importance to access the Indian empire; for there to be no intention to make the canal a political instrument for the English, but also not to be used as a political instrument against England; having been asked if the purchase was made for times of peace or times of war, and in response it must be said that the purchase must be intended to prevent complications and to maintain peace. He stopped this speech on the concrete part and on the financial nature of the deal. The Chancellor of the Exchequer explained how, obtaining money on loan from the commissioners of the national debt, and annually repaying them with 200,000 pounds sterling to be received from the Khedive, the debt could be amortized in 35 years. And predicting