Documenti diplomatici concernenti gli affari di Egitto: Entry #28
Original title: Original Camera del Deputati - Part 1, pg. 1-38 28.jpeg

The Royal Officer of Affairs in London to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Il R. Incaricato d’Affari a Londra al Ministro degli Affari Esteri)
Mr. Minister,
The discussion about the Suez Canal ended last night in the House of Commons with a unanimous vote in favor of the Cabinet. The main speakers of the opposition, Lowe, Gladstone, and Hartington, recognized that they could not deny the legislative sanction for the purchase of the shares. The dialects of Mr. Gladstone would therefore not have had a greater effect on the deputies, if it were not for the belief of the political necessity of the completed act, so firm, that it even today made unanimous the tone of the conservative and liberal newspapers. May it please you, etc.
Signed: R. De Martino
The Royal Agent and Consul General in Egypt to the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Il R. Agente e Console Generale in Egitto al Ministro degli Affari Esteri)
Mr. Minister,
Last night Mr. Pastré telegraphed from Paris that his group accepted the contract, committing themselves to accept the entire loan and to pay all of the floating debt, provided that the Khedive accepts that the commissioners of the new Bank would be named by foreign governments. His Highness sent to call General Stanton, Mr. Outrey and me, and he separately and officially asked us to request our governments to designate some people that he could name as commissioners of the new national Bank. Once this was done, he responded to Paris by telegraph slightly expanding on the reasons for which he could not accept the requested condition, showing the importance and the certainty of the guarantee that he suddenly wanted the loan to guarantee the contracting parties, and announcing the request already made to the governments of Italy, France, and England for the appointment of the respective commissioners. This union was accepted with great applause by everyone, even by the most pronounced cynics the outcome of the loan was guaranteed, and the usefulness of the foundation of the national Bank was demonstrated. I reported for the supreme heads how things were going in the transmission to Your Excellency about the official request of the Khedive because he deigns to name a person who will be nominated as Italian commissioner. May it please you, etc.
Signed: G. De Martino