Old English Reading
Modern English Reading
I’ve yet to come up with a satisfactory translation of þegen ‘thane.’ ‘Minister ', ‘retainer,’ and ‘attendant’ are all suggested, but the technical rank is so specific so as to resist translation. Æthelmær the Stout attended to Æthelred, became an ealdorman, and eventually founded Cerne Abbey. ^
Literally ‘learning-knights.’ I am constantly torn between using the Germanic compounding of Old English and terms that carry meaning for modern readers. ^
Matthew 24: 21, 24, 23. ^
cf. Matthew 24:13. ^
Characteristic of Ælfric is his attention to translating potentially unfamiliar Latin terms into the language of his audience. At every turn in his project, Ælfric ensures that his congregation understands his teaching. ^
Ezekiel 3:18–19. ^
Isaiah 58:1. ^
1 Corinthians 3:9. ^
The OE phrase gerihte be þære bysene ‘set it right according to the example’ emphasizes the role of copying and patterning off a model. Perhaps this reflects Ælfric’s own education history, learning by imitation. ^
Written in a different hand, this note voices the concern of a scribe over the arrangement of the manuscript. However, my Latin is too poor to offer a translation. ^