About the Schools

About the Schools

This map details the locations of all three schools, represented by the red icons with the small walking figures, while also providing brief notes on their historical background and their role in the city as of July 2021.

The Boston Desegregation Project examines monitor reports from three different Boston area high schools which were selected due to their presence in the John J. Burns Library’s digitized collection of the Citywide Coordinating Council Records. The schools represented in this project—Charlestown High School, Hyde Park High School, and the L Street Annex—offer a glimpse into how different neighborhoods from across the city reacted to the desegregation effort between 1975-1978, though not every year may be present within the records for each school.

Further Reading

  1. Charles G. Chick, “Hyde Park High School,” Hyde Park Historical Record vol. III, No. 1, (April 1903): 10-12.
  2. “Charlestown High School,” School Listings, Boston Public Schools, accessed July 17, 2021.
  3. Diane White, "Renovated Bathhouse Begins New Career as School Annex," Boston Globe, Sep 08, 1970, Proquest.