About the Author

EEBS was created by Elspeth Currie, a PhD student in history at Boston College as a part of her work for the Graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities. Before starting her doctoral program, she worked in secondary education for several years, teaching English, ancient history, and Latin. Since returning to academia, Elspeth has focused her research on classical reception in the early modern world. She is particularly interested in ways that non-normative subjects, especially women but also middling-status individuals, interacted with the classical world and crafted intellectual lives.
She can be reached at elspeth.currie@bc.edu.
Additional Contributors
Elspeth would like to acknowledge the contributions of the following individuals who helped bring EEBS into being:
- Dr. Bee Lehman, project manager
- Le Lyu, Javascript support
- Brianna Reisbeck, Chase Hockeman, Sylvia Notarfonso, and Michael Lyons, fellow members of the Digital Humanities as Public Scholarship class, spring 2023.
- The Collaborative Digital Projects Lab at Boston College