A screenshot of subscriber names from John Minsheu's list for A Guide Into Tongues

EEBS Dataset

Welcome to the EEBS Dataset

Explore the dataset below, or for more functionality, click here to access or download on Google Sheets.

You can view the dataset book by book, using the tabs at the bottom of the sheet, or look at all 4,104 entries at once under the “Combined All Subscribers” tab.

EEBS provides the demographic data of subscribers as recorded in the lists themselves, not sourced from outside research. As such, it may be “incorrect” when compared to other sources, failing to record someone’s correct title or occupation, for example. Here it is helpful to remember that subscriber entries reflect self-presentation: in this moment of time, how did this subscriber and the book undertaker choose to identify themself to the reading public? For more on the process, see the Considerations and Conventions page.

For information on metadata categories and terminology go to the Data Dictionary page.

This sheet may be updated as other subscriber lists are added. 

Last updated: May 31, 2023.

Tips for Use on Google Drive

If you're accessing the dataset on Google Drive, using the filter feature is a quick way to isolate demographic information you may be interested in.

Click the inverse pyramid in top right of each column header to pull up the feature.

A screenshot demonstrating how to use the filter feature on Google Sheets

Next, hit "clear," then scroll through the entries from that column and select which one(s) you would like to isolate. 

A screenshot demonstrating how to use the filter feature on Google Sheets

You can refine your findings further by adding filters to additional columns.