Tools and Analysis

Data Analysis; Graphs and Charts
DataBasic is a good starting point in beginning to understand your data set regardless of any proficiency. DataBasic offers four specific visualization tools ranging from WordCounter that analyzes your text to ConnectTheDots that charts out the networks and relationships within the data. Though their tool, WTFcsv is a great place to upload your completed csv file and to see what your data is revealing.
Data Analysis; Graphs and Charts
RAW Graphs
Date Updated:
Fall 2022
RAWGraphs is another open source data visualization tool geared towards those who already have some previous experience with visualization programs. RAWGraphs is more of an user intense program, but its multitude of chart options can produce informative visualizations for those who learn its complexities. Fortunately, the creators have provided free tutorials and workshops for beginners.
Data Analysis; Graphs and Charts
Date Updated:
Fall 2022
When compared to Datawrapper, Tableau Public is a more user intense data visualization tool. But, spending some time watching the website’s video tutorials and practicing with its interface, the graphs and charts that it can produce are greatly informative and professional looking.
Data Analysis; Graphs and Charts
Microsoft Excel
Date Updated:
Fall 2022
Excel will be one of the most familiar programs available because it is part of the Microsoft Suite. Besides using its spreadsheet function, its ability to generate charts are useful. Overall, it is a straightforward and relatively simple to use program that has the ability to produce a variety of complex charts and graphs.
Data Analysis; Graphs and Charts
Google Sheets
Date Updated:
Fall 2022
Google Sheets is a spreadsheet program that is available to use regardless of having a PC or a Mac. With Excel being so similar to using Google Sheets, it means that having familiarity with one program helps understanding how to use the other. Simply creating a Google account is all that it takes to begin using Google Sheets.
3d modeling
Date Updated:
Summer 2023
PolyCam is a powerful 3D modeling tool leveraging LiDAR technology to create detailed models from video recordings. Ideal for classroom or small project applications, this paid app distinguishes itself with fast processing speed and reduced strain on device resources. Despite its advantages, PolyCam's lack of cloud-saving functionality may result in data loss in the event of a crash, and it has not been observed to surpass the model quality produced by the free Reality Scan application.
3d modeling
Reality Scan
Date Updated:
Summer 2023
Reality Scan, a 3D modeling application, provides a user-friendly solution for classrooms and small projects. Leveraging a smartphone's camera and AR technology, it swiftly creates point clouds and 3D models from photos taken from various angles, offering an intuitive alternative to traditional 3D modeling methods. The program's automatic processing and cloud storage features make it an efficient tool for beginners.
3d Modeling
WOMP is all about making 3D modeling from a desktop. It's got a cool concept, but there's a catch - we're gonna need a pretty strong internet connection since it's always saving our stuff in the cloud. WOMP is a decent 3D modeling app with some cool features and a few areas that could use some work. It's pretty good for hobbyists or anyone starting to dabble in 3D modeling, but for professional use, one might find the limitations a bit frustrating.
3D Modeling, Gaming
Tool(s): is an online game that centers around socialization. Players can explore various settings that’s different from traditional, static chat rooms. The main charm of is in its exploration feature. The different virtual environments are immersive and can give players a sense of being in an exciting new place. It's like a digital field trip with each log-in. These different settings keep players' interactions fresh and exciting.
3d Modeling, VR
Gravity Sketch
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3d Modeling, Designing
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusantium, quasi sit porro similique quo omnis harum, exercitationem in ipsum, libero suscipit delectus ipsa est repellendus cupiditate temporibus animi facere consequatur?
Programming, AR
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusantium, quasi sit porro similique quo omnis harum, exercitationem in ipsum, libero suscipit delectus ipsa est repellendus cupiditate temporibus animi facere consequatur?